Individualized physical therapy
+ Wellness all in one place.
Align with your vision. Lead your life.
Empower yourself. You are enough. Achieve your goals.
Physical Therapy + Wellness Alternatives to help you live life on your terms.
At ALEYA, we not only help you heal your injury and reduce your pain, but also empower you to live AND lead your life.
Align. Lead. Empower. You. Achieve.
“I have been struggling for years with lower back pain and hip restriction. I started seeing a chiropractor and that helped some. But felt like I needed something more. As luck would have it, Jill was a guest one Saturday at the Pilates studio I go to. After speaking with her it seemed liked she could help me. So I scheduled my full consultation. So glad I did. I have started PT sessions with her and the one on one individualized care I am receiving has been wonderful! It is so convenient and makes you more at ease because the sessions are done in your own home. Not only is Jill really good at what she does with physical therapy, she is also super sweet, caring and compassionate. Give her a call to set up a will be glad you did!!!
—Brandi D.
What is physical therapy?
Merriam-Webster defines physical therapy as therapy for the preservation, enhancement, or restoration of movement and physical function impaired or threatened by disease, injury, or disability that utilizes therapeutic exercise, physical modalities (such as massage and electrotherapy), assistive devices, and patient education and training.
Ultimately, physical therapy can help you return to your previous level of function if you have had an injury or pain somewhere in your body. If you have shoulder pain that limits you from reaching into the back seat of your car, physical therapy can help. If you have acute or chronic back pain, physical therapy can help. If you’ve had orthopedic surgery and need to recover to full function, physical therapy is your go-to.
The difference between ALEYA and other therapy clinics? I put you at the forefront of your treatment, not your injury. I have long believed that physical therapy is a natural link between traditional medicine and natural alternatives. My goal is to help you understand your injury, how your body functions as a whole, and what you can do to heal and live a healthy life moving forward.